O young love. I love young love! Here is the thing though, when young couples get married, I sometimes think in the back of my mind; are you old enough to do this? The funny thing is that I really have no right to think that because, I just turned twenty when I got married… The kicker on top of it is my husband and I didn’t even know each other a year before I walked down the isle. Some of you may hold your breath but honestly when you know you know and why wait!
Nathan and Courtney have been attending the same church for most of there teen and young adult life and it wasn’t until young adult they started seeing each other more regularly at young adult hang outs that Nathan mustered up the courage to ask Courtney out. Nathan was taken a back by Courtney’s gorgeous smile and even more gorgeous personality; she is a pretty loveable girl. Their love grew on the long drives they would go on and the chats that would go along with them. On one very special drive Nathan had a spot planned out of where he wanted to pull over and ask the big ask. When they pulled over Nathan played it cool and they got out of the truck and he got down on one knee and asked. Courtney of course, over whelmed and excited said yes!
I was more than excited when Nathan and Courtney showed up for their engagement session. The evening was more then perfect and Courtney looked AMAZING! I loved how she pulled off the country chic flawlessly. The most surprising thing is that her dress was from a thrift shop that she found and cut to get the length just right! If you ever need any advice for what to wear to a session never hesitate to reach out to me! All my clients get style guides that help them choose their out fits for their session! I am so looking forward to Nathan and Courtney’s wedding this August! Happy wedding planning you two!